Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 61 - June 2017

- Draft National Recovery Plan for the Macquarie Perch
- Australia State of the Environment (SoE) 2016
- Results from the National Pest Animal and Weed Management Survey
- Future of $1 billion National Landcare Program secure
- River Red Gum Celebration Planned for 2018
- NSW Landcare and Local Land Services Conference 2017 - sponsors and exhibitors required
- NSW Travelling Stock Reserves review
- Saving our Swift Parrots project launch
- Land management and biodiversity conservation reforms - regulations on public exhibition
- World Environment Day Tree Planting - Gunning
- World Environment Day dinner - Canberra
- Potato Harvest/Land for Wildlife - Crookwell
- Riparian Zone Management Field Day - Murrumbateman
- 200th Anniversary of Oxley and Cunningham - Cocoparra National Park
- Solar for Business Workshops - Riverina region
- Farming Together - National Forum 2017 - Adelaide
- Reptiles in Yass and Canberra
- Climate change adaptation - what does it mean for Landcarers? - Canberra
- Bioenergy opportunities for Riverina Industry & Business - Griffith
- Loss of Native Hollow-bearing Trees as threatening process - Canberra
- FOG: Visit to Yass Gorge
- Job opportunity: Waterwatch Coordinator for Ginninderra and Yass area
- NSW Landcare Awards are open
- Practical Citizen Science Session - Yass
- Minimising our consumption - Canberra
- Grant writing introduction - Wagga Wagga
- Drone and Technology Day - Griffith
- 2017 Green Globe Awards – Nominations Now Open
- Threatened Species Recovery Fund - applications open
- 2018 Nuffield Scholarships for Australian primary producers
- Community Landcare Pop-up Grants
Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc. (MLi) is a not-for-profit organisation representing community Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Our e-news is a project of MLi and the Regional Landcare Facilitator project. Please contact us to have content included in our next monthly e-news.