NSW Travelling Stock Reserves review

Local Land Services have released the NSW Travelling Stock Reserves Review, and are inviting you to "Have your Say". Landcare NSW encourages all Landcare group members to provide input regarding the management of Travelling Stock Reserves in your area.
Landcare NSW made a state-wide submission in December 2015 to the Local Land Services TSR Planning Framework 2016-21, and it is pleasing that our call for including knowledge from local landholders and Landcare members into the planning and management of TSRs has been heeded. (This submission can be viewed at http://landcarensw.org.au/representation/submissions-to-government/)
There are more than 6,500 TSRs on Crown land in NSW, covering approximately two million hectares. The aim of the TSR review is to determine which TSRs are still used or required for the original purpose they were set aside for and to determine if they are important for other reasons. This information will feed future decisions about how this land can be best reserved, managed and owned.