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Are you loansome tonight? - Canberra

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The Conservation Council has an arrangement with Bank Australia that can really help our finances with win-win-win all over the place including for you!

The Bank Australia 'affinity program' means that when people nominate the Conservation Council as they take out or transfer a loan to Bank Australia the Conservation Council ACT receives a one-off payment of 0.40% of loan value.

Bank Australia started as a credit union, is member-owned, and doesn't and won't finance fossil fuel projects. They are good matches of values!

The loans you have with Bank Australia can be for all sorts of things, even investments (but not for fossil fuels). If you have an existing loan they will help you with the transfer and their loan rates are close to the best, if not THE best, rates available (currently 3.86%).

We know switching home loans isn’t the kind of thing that gets most people excited, but when it can safeguard the climate, and save you money, it’s a big deal!

We really encourage you to join us in switching your home loan to Bank Australia. Please contact Belinda on 02 6229 3200 if you have any queries about the process. Don't send us to Heartbreak Hotel.

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Dr. Radut Consulting