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Dung beetles available now - southern NSW

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Dung beetles deliver a wide range of enduring benefits to graziers and the environment.  These include improved pasture health as nutrients are buried in the soil; reduced need for chemical and organic fertilizers; and reduced breeding medium for flies.  

Dung beetle tunnel systems, which can be as deep as 300mm, can remain open for several years, providing an entry point for water run-off from a paddock over an extended period of time.  Water run-off carries dissolved nutrients and chemicals which penetrate the soil via the dung beetle tunnel system.  The soil then acts as a filtration system, resulting in cleaner water in our creeks, rivers, estuaries and oceans.

In this latter regard, there is an interesting article in a recent edition of the Landcare Australia Focus magazine.  The article reports on a project on the Atherton Tableland, the aim of which was to improve pasture condition and water quality through the introduction of select species of dung beetles.  The article can be found at https://landcareaustralia.org.au/project/dung-beetles-get-busy-water-quality/.

SOILCAM Pty Ltd harvests dung beetles for relocation within Australia and some countries overseas.  Among the services offered by SOILCAM is that of climate matching to ensure that only those species of dung beetles best adapted to a particular climate are recommended and supplied.  As with all releases, the species are harvested from the closest climatically compatible locations which are similar to the target climate, ensuring as rapid an establishment as possible.

SOILCAM is currently distributing an excellent winter-active species suitable for the winter rainfall areas of Australia which are roughly south of a line from Dubbo in NSW to Geraldton in WA.

This winter species - Bubas bison - emerges in April and is active in burying dung until August.  When the species is Soilcamwell established, ten pairs of beetles are capable of burying a cow pad within 48 hours.

A starter colony which consists of 1,050 beetles costs $660.00 (GST inclusive) plus $30.00 for container packaging and express postage.  Delivery time can be less than three weeks.

More information can be found on the Soilcam website www.dungbeetleexpert.com.au or by telephone 0414-938 621.

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Dr. Radut Consulting