Annual Forum 2007

Landcare Partnerships
Narrandera August 16th - 17th
Hosted by the Central Riverina Landcare Network
Central Riverina Landcare Network
Landcare groups in the Central Riverina Landcare Network include Uranquinty, Wagga Wagga Urban, Grong Grong, Matong & District, Galore, Euroley Gillenbah, Narrandera, Strontian Road, Coolamon, Methus Rannock and Ganmain. Their interests cover all aspects of landcare from conservation and biodiversity through to wetlands maintenance, protection of endangered species and sustainable agriculture.
Theme: Landcare Partnerships
We are very excited with our draft program for the Forum. This year's theme is 'Landcare Partnerships.' All presenters have been asked to address the theme "Landcare Partnerships" and to respond to the question:
Local landcare groups
The Annual Forum is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the landcare groups in the Central Riverina Network. We are pleased to announce that the Narrandera landcare group will present at the Forum on the Narrandera Wetlands project. Of particular interest is the community collaboration that has enabled this project, including involvement with landcare, local government and indigenous groups.
The Forum will include a panel presentation on the endangered Bush-Stone curlew. Members of the Euroley-Gillenbah Landcare Group are interested in establishing partnerships with the RLPB, DECC, and others to launch a community-based project to contribute towards the protection of the Bush-Stone curlew. This panel discussion at the Forum will provide an important opportunity to hear of the latest research in this area as well as of projects in other regions we can learn from.
A display mounted in the auditorium for the Forum, will include maps, photographs and information about landcare in the Central Riverina Network. A series of professional photographic images will also be on display to document the work of the Riverina Restoration Project being conducted through the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies at the ANU.
Speakers at the Forum represent a wide range of organisations, from government departments and scientific agencies through to community and non-government organisations like ourselves. Each of these organisations have also been invited to contribute to the display, including:
Sponsors & supporters
We gratefully acknowledge our sponsors and supporters, without whom this event would not have been possible.