Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 52 - September 2016

- National Landcare Conference presentation: Silverleaf nightshade weed management – improving adoption of current research
- CPP Project 3 - On-ground Works
- Community consultation – priority weed list – Biosecurity
- Survey of Australian Farmers Regarding the Use of Big Data in Ag
- Help wanted with rabbit sample collection
- Expression of Interest for Spring Silverleaf Nightshade Workshops
- Silverleaf Nightshade Case Study: Paul McCardell - Murrami, New South Wales
- National Feral Cat Control Survey
- Tarcutta Landcare Looking to the Future
- Biodiversity Reform - Comments Collated
- New guides for threatened ecological communities in Upper Murrumbidgee and Lachlan Catchments
- Free Seminar: Environmental offsets and making money from BioBanking - Goulburn
- Holistic Management: Learning into Practice - training course
- Chemclear coming to NSW - register your interest
- Courabyra Winery Tour with Tarcutta Landcare
- Australian Women in Agriculture Conference
- Harden Murrumburrah Landcare Awards now open
- Threatened Species Seminar at Burradoo
- Native Grasses Workshop - Braidwood/Bungendore
- Hollows as Homes - Cocoparra National Park
- Australian Hackathon: AgriHack Grain - Wagga Wagga
- Wildflower Plant ID Day - Cocoparra National Park
- Fivebough Community Tree Planting Day
- Henty Machinery Field Days
- Twilight weed and crop walk - Wagga Wagga
- Holistic Management Course Expressions of interest - Bungendore and Braidwood
- Australian Association for Environmental Education Conference - Adelaide
- RAS Rural scholarships available
- Fish habitat action grants
- Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants now open
- Community Landcare Pop-up Grants
- Riverina Local Land Services 2016/17 Funding Program Open
- Norman Wettenhall Small Environmental Grant Scheme
- Feral photos competition 2016
Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc. (MLi) is a not-for-profit organisation representing community Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Our e-news is a project of MLi and the Regional Landcare Facilitator project. Please contact us to have content included in our next monthly e-news.