Survey of Australian Farmers Regarding the Use of Big Data in Ag

Big Data in Agriculture - what is it? What is the potential and what are the pitfalls? Your chance to have your say. 

Gina Wood, a PhD researcher at the School of Law in the University of New England, is running a survey “Big Data in Primary Production - What Do Farmers Know and Not Know, Do and Not Do, Concerning Farm Data in Australia?" to find out what farmers think about Big Data and related technologies - is it a powerful tool to help farmers or more empty promises and hyped-up words? A means to improve productivity or a step towards dependency on suppliers? A way to make better decisions on farm or a loss of control?
Ms Wood encourages all farmers to fill out her anonymous online 15-minute questionnaire whether you are familiar with "Big Data" or know nothing about it. Your answers are vital in helping to determine how Big Data and its associated technologies can be best put to use for the benefit of primary producers in Australia.
Ms Wood will use the survey answers to quantify the level of understanding and use of Big Data in primary production amongst farmers.
Participants must be over 18 years old, proficient in written English (no translation is available), and the owner or farm manager of an operation with at least 50% of revenues from primary production in any primary production sector (e.g. not B&B or farm-stay). No understanding of Big Data is necessary to complete the survey. (UNE Ethics Committee Approval #HE16-125, valid to 06/06/2017).
You can contact Gina Wood on: