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Community consultation – priority weed list – Biosecurity

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In 2017 the Biosecurity Act 2015 will repeal the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 and the current declaration list will be null and void. A critical part of the implementation of the Biosecurity Act is the development of Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans (RSWMP). The recently appointed Riverina Regional Weed Committee (RWC) will be developing the RSWMP that will clearly explain the weed management responsibilities and obligations of land managers.
Although all weeds that create a biosecurity risk can be managed under the General Biosecurity Duty, the RSWMP will describe what weeds will be prioritised for management action and compliance within Riverina.
Weed Risk Assessment (WRA)
All currently declared weeds have been risk assessed using the NSW Weed Risk Management System http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/pests-weeds/weeds/wrm-system
Community input is being sought regarding weed species (not already WRA) that are of significance within your LLS region that you or your organisation would like considered for inclusion in the Regional Priority Weed Lists.
Find out more in the attached flier from Riverina Local Land Services.

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Dr. Radut Consulting