Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 48

Cross-Property Planning Project
- Prograze Yass District
- What does grass roots climate change adaptation look like?
- Yass and District Beekeepers
- Introducing the Riverina Local Landcare Coordinators
- Meet the Landcare Irrigation Area Collective
- New website helps farmers find digital products
- Gorse Community Survey
- Waterwatch Volunteers Wanted at Gundaroo
- What's been happening with the Cross Property project?
- Landcare coordinator training and induction at Stockton
- New rabbit virus – get involved as a monitoring site
- New & Emerging Weeds Information Day - Bookham
- NSW sustainable horse keeping conference – Western Sydney
- Scottsdale Community Planting - Bredbo
- NSW DPI Varietal Showcase - Durif
- Plant propagation workshop – Wagga
- Agricultural options workshop
- Erosion Control Workshop with Cam Wilson of Earth Integral - Bowning
- Canberra Urban & Regional Futures Seminar
- Volunteers required for Practical field day at Cadfor- Binda
- Maximising Renewable Energy Opportunites On Farm - Tumut
- The True Cost documentary - Wagga
- Fences make good neighbours, farm fencing workshop - Mulloon
- Landcare for singles – Bredbo
- Nature Conservation Trust of NSW Presentation Ceremony - Woomargama
- Landcare Australia Special Projects Grants 2016
- 2016 FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants program is now open
- OEH Heritage Activation Grants
- Woodland Flora field guide available
- Erosion control options and recommendations
- RDA guide to successful grant writing
- Murrumbateman Landcare Group - Farm Walk
- KVLG AGM and Slow the Flow field day
- UMCCC General Meeting and Guest Speaker
- RHLN AGM and farm walk
- Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists meeting
- Bungendore Landcare Group
- Narrandera Landcare Group
Cross-Property Planning Project
- Cross-Property Planning Project - Updates
- CPP Project - Media
- Cross-Property Planning Project – Landcare Group Newsletters
- Cross-Property Planning Project 2 – Workshops and Field Days
- Cross-Property Planning Project 3 – On-ground works
- Cross-Property Planning Project 4 - Surveys
- CPP Project 5 - Newsletters
- CPP Project 6 - Resources
Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc. (MLi) is a not-for-profit organisation representing community Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Our e-news is a project of MLi and the Regional Landcare Facilitator project. Please contact us tto have content included in our next monthly e-news.