CPP Project - Media

"Linking areas of native vegetation on farms"
Article in Landcare in Focus (November 2016), page 5, describing the achievements of the project.
Article in the Cootamundra Herald (18 November 2016), highlighting the Green Globe Award received by the Cross Property project.
"Digging deep for notable award"
Article in the Daily Advertiser (November 2016), highlighting the Green Globe Award received by the Cross Property project.
Article in the Daily Advertiser (July 2016), profiling Bill Muller, a CPP project landholder from Bethungra.
"Building dreams, making partners"
Article in Landcare in Focus (May 2016), page 8, describing the success of the project and highlighting the work undertaken by Bill Muller through the project.
"Workshops help push fire planning"
Article in the Southern Cross (Sep 2015) describing the success of the 'Women on Fire' workshop series.
"Carbon projects benefit Junee cross-property"
Article in Agriculture Today (Dec 2012) describing the commencement of the project, and inviting land holders to get involved.