Soil for Food, Fibre and the Environment - Presentations

Soil for Food, Fibre and the Environment information day was held at Sutton on 16 October 2015.
All of the presentations given on the day have been saved as PDFs and can be downloaded below.
Geology of the ACT - Dr Leah Moore
Managing Soil Moisture and Salinity on Farm - John Ive
Soil Structure: the importance of space in soil - Dr Brian Murphy
Soil Chemistry: the importance of numbers in soil - Dr Mark Conyers
Soil Carbon: the key to resilient farming systems - Susan Orgill
Alternative Fertiliser Trial - Fiona Leech
Phosphorus cycling in pasture grazing systems and the importance of soil microbiology - Dr Alan Richardson
Humus: the dark side of soil - Dr Clive Kirkby
Changing landscapes starts with changing ourselves - David Marsh
Dung beetles - John Feehan
Murrumbidgee CMA Salinity Hazard Report - Brian Jenkins