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Why does my hamburger taste so good?

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» http://vimeo.com/landcare

Dear fellow student,

David Attenbro was eating the best hamburger ever. Charlie & Helen wanted to know why it tasted so good. The secret, David said, was Landcare farmers.

What does this mean? How do they do it?

David, Helen & Charlie head off to investigate. They visit 3 farms in the Riverina, NSW & discover how grass-fed beef, organic eggs and high-quality wheat & canola are produced. What they learnt was that these farmers work really hard to look after the native animals & plants on their farms too.

We filmed the whole adventure so that you can come along too. You can tell your teacher that watching these videos is good for you. This adventure is all about "sustainability action processes," part of the NSW Department
of Education sustainability curriculum framework. Sometimes school work can be great fun : -)

South Wagga Public School Drama Llamas

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