NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare

From Landcare NSW
Exciting times ahead with creation of NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare
2nd Jul 2015
Politicians from all sides of Parliament have come together in a united show of support for Landcare. The formation in June of the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare signals a new era of support for our 60,000 strong volunteer movement.
Around 30 Members turned up to the first meeting which was addressed by Landcare NSW Deputy Chair David Walker and Councillor Bev Debrincat from Greater Sydney.
Members of the Friendship Group include: Chair, Katrina Hodgkinson, Member for Cootamundra (Nationals); Deputy Chair, Mick Veitch, Member of the Legislative Council (Labor); Treasurer, Jeremy Buckingham, Member of the Legislative Council (Greens); Secretary, Rick Colless, Parliamentary Secretary for Natural Resources (Nationals); Kevin Humphries (Nationals), Catherine Cusack (Liberals), Adam Marshall (Nationals) and Paul Green (Christian Democrats).