Call for EOI from LANDHOLDERS: Silverleaf Nightshade trial sites needed

NSW Primary Industries and Murrumbidgee Landcare have a National project funded by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Australian Wool Industry (AWI) targeting the perennial summer weed Silverleaf Nightshade.
This program needs the cooperation of landholders to establish free ‘dual action’ herbicide trial sites on their farms to test its effectiveness under a range of conditions. The trials are suitable for small isolated patches of Silverleaf Nightshade to dense infestations and would involve allowing a private contractor access to the nominated areas twice yearly to apply herbicide applications (suitable with their production system) and conduct stem counts.
To register, interested Landholders should conduct:
Karen Herbert, Murrumbidgee Landcare
Mob.0438 297 319
We need your support to test the ‘dual action’ control method on as many farm sites as possible