Fungi workshops with Alison Pouliot

On 11 and 12 April 2015 Alison Pouliot introduced keen participants at Bowning and Wagga Wagga to the mysterious and fascinating world of fungi.

Participants learned about the ecology of fungi, and how some species form mycorrhyzal associations with plant roots that help plants to access vital nutrients from the soil, whilst other species break down decaying organic matter to return those nutrients to the soil after the plants have died. Alison explained that the mushrooms and bracket fungi we see are merely the fruiting bodies of the fungi, with the main part of each fungus existing as thread-like hyphae underground year-round.
Attendees were quizzed on how to tell the difference between edible and non-edible mushrooms, and learned that even with well-known species it can be quite difficult to be sure if the mushrooms you’ve just picked are likely to make you regret including them in an omelette, although sometimes the warning signs can be bright and clear.
On a ramble through the Wagga Botanic Gardens after the workshop on Sunday several species of fungi were located, including Aseroe rubra aka the ‘sea anemone fungus’, which was the first native Australian fungus species to be formally described.