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Landcare NSW welcomes Liberal National Party Landcare Policy

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Landcare NSWFrom Landcare NSW

The Liberal-National Coalition announced their Landcare policy in Dubbo on 15 March.  We are very pleased that if re-elected the Liberals and Nationals will support local coordinators backed by a central team, plus they have said they will work with Landcare NSW on a model to achieve financial stability for the infrastructure support the movement needs.  The funding allocation promised by the Liberals and Nationals is $15 million over 4 years.  While not at the level we had hoped for, this is a demonstration of confidence and a strong base to work from.  It is crucial that the Government work with Landcare NSW on the detail of the policy implementation.  This funding commitment complements the support currently received by Landcare from a range of sources, including LLS.

 » Letter from Troy Grant MP, Deputy Premier

Media Release
16 March 2015

Landcare NSW welcomes the announcement by the Deputy Premier and National Party Leader Troy Grant that an incoming Liberal National Government will introduce a comprehensive Landcare Support Program. Chairman of Landcare NSW, Mr Rob Dulhunty, said: “This announcement is great news for the 60,000 volunteer Landcare members of 3000 groups across NSW. The renewal of State Government support for Landcare will also be welcomed by the 93 percent of farmers who practise Landcare and the 73 percent of farmers who identify as belonging to the Landcare movement.”

Landcare NSW supports the Liberal National policy to deliver a network of locally based coordinators. These
positions build partnerships, support local Landcare groups, source funds and facilitate the design and implementation of local projects. “We are also pleased to see the Liberal National Party’s commitment to
Landcare NSW for the delivery of a central team which is essential to achieve an efficient, consistent and
coordinated statewide approach,” said Mr Dulhunty.

Landcare NSW welcomes the commitment from the Liberal National Party that if re-elected, they will work with Landcare NSW regarding the details how the new program will be administered and structured. “These decisions need to be made in partnership with the Landcare movement,” said Mr Dulhunty. “We look forward to continuing the very constructive dialogu e and positive relationship that has been developed with the Government over the past few years.

The funding of $15m over four years is welcome and will improve Landcare’s capacity to contribute to State
agricultural, environmental and social targets. This funding is recognition that additional support for Landcare is needed and is not designed to replace any current arrangements.

Landcare NSW will explore how this funding can be enhanced through consultation with a range of business,
philanthropic, community and government partners, including Local Land Services.

“We particularly welcome the Liberal National Party’s commitment to work with us to facilitate a transition to financial stability to underpin the work of NSW Landcarers in perpetuity. “It’s likely we’ll see even bigger environmental challenges in future so it’s crucial that the support needed by the volunteer movement is funded on a long term basis. It will be a great legacy for the Government to put in place an enduring solution to Landcare’s core infrastructural needs,” said Mr Dulhunty.

“Landcare is a partnership between Government and community and this investment into Landcare infrastructure will help our volunteers and landholders to get on with the job of restoring the environment
and developing sustainable agricultural production.

“Landholders and community members volunteer their time and money, and take responsibility for addressing challenges in natural resource management, farm productivity and nature conservation. They will be very pleased to see their efforts formally recognised in this policy,” said Mr Dulhunty

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