
Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc (or Murrumbidgee Landcare Association as it was then known) was formed in 1996 to provide "a voice" for community Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Advocacy has always been core business for MLi. As an independent community organisation, our goal is to promote and support community Landcare. This means working to ensure government at all levels, as well as regional NRM authorities, understand and appreciate the value and importance of community Landcare, including the significant social and economic contribution it makes to our communities and the important environmental contribution it makes to our landscapes.
Listed here are contributions made by MLi and by community Landcare at a local, regional, state and national level, as well as contributions from the friends of Landcare.
- Australian government Senate committee on the National Landcare Program.
The history, effectiveness, performance and future of the National Landcare Program.
Committee is to report on 26 November 2014
- Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc
- Bill Pigott
- Southern ACT Catchment Group
- National Landcare Network
- Landcare NSW
- Molonglo Catchment Group
- Lynton Bond
- Nelson Quinn
- NSW LLS - on Localism policy
- Australian Framework for Landcare
Prepared for the Australian Landcare Community by the Australian Landcare Council.