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Payment for ecosystem services (PES) programs at the farm scale

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You are invited to participate in a research study on Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) programs at the farm scale. The study is being conducted by Dr. Girija Page (G.Page@uws.edu.au) and Prof. Bill Bellotti from the University of Western Sydney in association with Central Tablelands Local Land Services, Department of Primary industries, Central West Farming Systems and CANFA, in parts of NSW.

Society demands that along with food production agricultural lands look after the environment. In the past few years programs which specifically pay farmers in exchange for some sort of ecosystem services/benefits are implemented under ‘Caring for our Country’ and other programs or more recently through the ‘Carbon Farming Initiative’ introduced by the Australian Government.

In this research a survey is being undertaken to get insights into the implementation of PES schemes at the farm scale. Key information will be gathered on farmers perceptions of ecosystems services, features of PES programs that are attractive to the farmers and farmers willingness to participate in such programs.

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