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RAA Special Conservation Scheme Loan

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RAAFunding by way of a loan is available to carry out works that will have a significant beneficial impact on the land, the local community and the environment AND are not purely productivity based.

Acceptable works can include:

  • Soil Conservation
  • Woody Weed control
  • Control of noxious weeds
  • Stock and domestic water supply
  • Up-grading/improving existing irrigation systems
  • Planting of perennial species such as lucerne and oldman saltbush

» http://www.raa.nsw.gov.au

The Rural Financial Counselling Service specialises in helping access RAA loans and assistance. Their service is free and they will travel to you, wherever you are.

Contact their main office on 02 64 525 850 to find your nearest counsellor.

The Rural Financial Counselling Service – Southern region, has offices and staff throughout the region. They help primary producers, fishers and small rural businesses. Their counsellors are up to date with the latest government packages and schemes and understand the eligibility criteria, application process and requirements. They can work with you to determine if you are eligible and then assist with accessing funding.

Other services include:

  • Planning for your future in farming
  • Accessing government assistance
  • Helping to identify your financial position
  • Cash flow budgeting and forecasting
  • Developing bank relationships
  • Reviewing your loans
  • Help with refinancing your debt
  • Farm debt mediation
  • Family and farm decision making
  • Access to other services
  • Succession Planning

 The service is free and the counsellors and organisation are professional, independent and discreet.Confidentiality is assured.

» NSW Rural financial counsellors contact list

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Dr. Radut Consulting