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Feedback sought on constraints strategy

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In October, people will have an opportunity to comment on a draft strategy that proposes what work needs to be done over the coming years on river constraints in the Murray–Darling Basin.
River constraints can be physical structures or river management rules and practices that we're now finding limit how effectively we deliver environmental water.
MDBA executive director Jody Swirepik said the strategy, required under the Basin Plan, was the first step in a larger body of complex work that would take some years to complete.
"It's long been recognised that over the past century, the structures we've built in the basin and the rules and practices we've adopted don't allow us to get the best use from our environmental water," Ms Swirepik said.
"In some parts of the basin, we can't deliver environmental water at the times and places we most need it.
"And in some cases, the rules to support and account for environmental water delivery simply don't exist because it's a practice that has only emerged over the past 10 years or so."
Ms Swirepik said the MDBA was seeking feedback from interested people on how the constraints work was being proposed to roll out over the next few years and what some of that work would involve.
The high level strategy, which mainly focuses on constraints in the southern basin, will guide future work by the MDBA and the basin governments. It is due to be finalised towards the end of the year.
The draft strategy will be available on the MDBA website for public comment from October 9 to October 30.
MDBA staff will also be meeting with people in some communities to provide an update on implementation activities and to discuss the draft strategy.
Meeting times and locations, and information about how to provide feedback will soon be available on the MDBA website.

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