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Australian Birdfair - Fivebough and Tuckerbil Wetlands Leeton

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Fivebough and Tuckerbill Wetlands Trust
The Australian Birdfair is to showcase our native wild birds, and the ecosystems of which they are part and dependent upon.
Australian Birdfair 15-18 November 2007
Australian Birdfair 13-16 November 2008

* Seminars and lectures about birds and other aspects of the natural world.
* Birding and Nature related organisations, Market Stalls
* Exhibits of interest to the bird watching industry.
* Evening events
* Organised, and self guided birdwatching tours
* The Australian Birdfair-Leica “Ramble”
* Entertainment, Art, and Varied Cultural activities.

Following the success of the Fivebough Birding and Nature Fair 2006, and in consultation with partner and supporting organisations, the Fivebough and Tuckerbil Wetlands Trust has changed the Birdfair’s name, and is now the Australian Birdfair.

We invite you to join us at the Australian Birdfair which showcases our native wild birds, and the ecosystems of which they are part and dependent upon.

The Birdfair comprises a number of different events and exhibits all relating to birds and their environment.

Contact Leeton Tourism on: (02) 6953 6481
See: www.australianbirdfair.org.au

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