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Environmental Research Grants

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The call for Expression of Interest to the Environmental Research Program opened on 12 January 2013 and will close at 5 pm on 15 February 2013
Please note:  Seeding grants will not be offered in 2013.
Aim of the program
The aim of the Environmental Research program is to support research projects that help address environmental problems in NSW.
The objectives of the Environmental Research program are to: 
  • generate new knowledge or information to facilitate local solutions to environmental problems
  • discover new methods of operation for NSW industries that are less harmful to the environment 
  • provide knowledge about general environmental problems
  • assess environmental degradation.


Grants are available for biophysical, social or economic research relating to any of the four priority areas from NSW 2021 project categories outlined below.  Organisations can submit a maximum of three Expressions of Interest for each project category.
1. Threats to the environment
-  Pests and weeds
-  Fire
-  Coastal erosion
-  Coastal inundation
2. Biodiversity and native vegetation
-  Habitat restoration
-  Threatened species (Priority Action Statement 2)
3. Pollution
-  Air quality
-  Waste recovery
4. Rivers, wetlands and coasts
-  Environmental water
-  Wetland and catchment health

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Dr. Radut Consulting