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12.1.1.Living with Wildlife

Many rural residential areas are blessed with an abundance of wildlife, despite being surrounded by large areas where wildlife has suffered culling and habitat loss for farming and development.
More and more people now want to support our wildlife and encourage it back into areas where it once belonged.
Landholder with small acreage can create wildlife-friendly properties by:
• controlling domestic animals
• removing or minimising the impact of barbed wire and mesh fencing and netting
• minimising the use of pesticides
• becoming involved with protecting all wildlife in your area
• retaining native vegetation as habitat
Whether it is a kangaroo, echidna, possum, wombat, parrot, galah, bat, lizard, turtle, venomous snake, spider, moth or other native animals, there is much we can do to enjoy their presence, live alongside them and help them when needed.

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Dr. Radut Consulting