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i) Rabbits

• Baiting rabbits with 1080 and Pindone-poisoned carrot can quickly and effectively reduce numbers.

• Biological controls such as myxomatosis and Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD) are useful aids to rabbit control. They should be capitalised upon by cleaning up residual populations and destroying rabbit harbour.

• Fumigation can be an inexpensive and reasonably effective form of control.

• Ripping of rabbit warrens is an essential follow up to the control methods listed here. It further discourages any rabbit from taking up residence at that site.

• Explosives can be used in ‘difficult to get at’ areas for warren destruction.

• Poisons and fumigants can be purchased and equipment associated with rabbit control can be hired from your local LHPA for a nominal fee.

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Dr. Radut Consulting