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i) Farm forestry with natives

Landholders may realise many benefits from a small, well-managed plantation of native hardwoods. Benefits include timber products — firewood, fence posts and high- value sawn timber. Other benefits include stock shelter, erosion control and native habitat.
Plantations can grow a mixture of species such as wattles, eucalypts and casuarinas. Such mixes create rich bird habitat, look great and still realise a product. The latter means intensive management to promote straight stems without low branching.
Native species that produce high-value timber and provide on-farm benefits, and that have been known to grow locally, include:
Allocasuarina verticillata (Drooping She-oak), Acacia implexa  (Lightwood), A. dealbata ( Silver Wattle), Casuarina cunninghamiana (River She-oak), Eucalyptus sideroxylon ( Mugga Ironbark), E. polyanthemos ( Red Box), E. melliodora ( Yellow Box) and E. macrorhyncha ( Red Stringybark).

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Dr. Radut Consulting