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iv) Species selection

At the back of this book there is a list of native plant species suited to the region. Similar lists are available from your local council or Landcare group.
The South West Slopes Revegetation Guide is also available online
or in hardcopy from the Murray CMA Albury office by ringing (02) 6051 2200.
For best results use species suited to the conditions of the chosen site. Remember, a species suited to wet conditions is unlikely to survive on a hilltop.
Planting a mix of species lessens the risk of total failure, and having both trees and understorey species increases biodiversity, decreases pest problems and attracts birds. Greening Australia recommends using 30–40 species when direct seeding. Look around your area and talk to your neighbours about what species have grown well on their properties, and do not be afraid to experiment.

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Dr. Radut Consulting