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7.3.2. Management of soils on a bush or lifestyle block

Most bush or lifestyle blocks should not have many issues with soil if they have adequate vegetation cover. However past land use, such as clearing and pasture improvement (even on neighbouring blocks) may result in issues with salinity, sodicity, acidity and erosion.
In most cases, these problems can be gradually ameliorated by planting trees and understory shrubs if they are absent, and managing existing areas of bush appropriately.
More details of how to do this are given in the section ‘Managing Native Vegetation’ on page YY.
On any type of block, care must be taken when constructing roads and access tracks to ensure they do not cause rill erosion. All tracks should be well sited, constructed and maintained, using higher country or ridges and avoiding creeks and wet areas. They should be sited in sunny aspects where possible, to dry the track surface and prevent water running down them.
Further details on farm road and track design and maintenance can be found in the section ‘Whole Property Planning’ on page XX.

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Dr. Radut Consulting