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Australian Government Envirofund

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Round 9 applications close 27 April 2007

The Natural Heritage Trust was set up in 1997 to help restore and conserve Australia's environment and natural resources. The three objectives of the Trust are:

  • biodversity conservation
  • sustainable use of natural resources
  • community capacity building and institutional change

One of the ways Trust funding is delivered is through the Envirofund.

The Envirofund is for small projects aimed at conserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable resource use. The Envirofund supports on-ground actions by groups and individuals to target local problems.

For the Guide, Application Form and Helpful Hints see:

You can get a paper copy of the Guide and Application Form (which includes the Helpful Hints) and Heritage factsheets by phoning Freecall 1800 065 823.


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Dr. Radut Consulting