Crowdfunding contacts

Do you have a fantastic project but have been unable to access funding? Then maybe crowdfunding is the solution. According to Wikipedia, in 2013 the crowdfunding industry grew to be over $5.1 billion worldwide.
Interested? There are a number of people across the Murrumbidgee Catchment who have been trained in Pozible crowdfunding and would be able to help your project come to fruition. These people are as follows:
Louise HUFTON, Riverina Local Land Services, Harden
- Adrian ROLES, Chair, Harden-Murrumburrah Landcare
- Frances CORY, Riverina Local Land Services, Wagga Wagga
- Rob KUIPER, Riverina Local Land Services, Wagga Wagga
- Bindi VANZELLA, Regional Landcare Facilitator, Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc.
- Neil BULL, Rice Growers Association
- Megan ROWLATT, Illawarra Youth Landcare Group
- Peter PIGGOTT, Regional Landcare Facilitator, South-East Local Land Services
- John CARTER, South-East Landcare
- Det VOGES, Chair, Yass Area Network
- Cherie WHITE, Riverina Local Land Services, Tumut
- Jacqui STOL, Chair, Murrumbateman Landcare
- Leanne LEIHN, Booroowa Shire Council
- Edwina HAYES, Regional Landcare Facilitator, Holbrook
Please contact Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc., (02)6933 1443 or, if you would like their contact details.