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Fenner Conference on the Environment: Urban Sustainability and Conservation - Canberra

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4 Apr 2018 (All day)
The conference aims to:
  • Increase connectivity and collaboration between researchers, industry and policy makers concerned with the sustainability of urban environments with respect to management for biodiversity conservation;
  • Identify key areas where policy and/or research is currently lacking; and
  • Develop an integrated strategy of research and policy for achieving truly sustainable and biodiverse cities in Australia and beyond.
Each day will focus on one of three broad themes: Conservation and Sustainability, Climate Adaptation and Sensory Pollution.
The conference will be held at the Australian Academy of Science’s Shine Dome, Ian Potter House, 9 Gordon Street, Acton ACT.
Registration fees are $275 for full registration paid by 2 March, or $325 for full registration paid after this date. One Day Registration is $195.
Further information is available at the website: http://fennerconference2018.com.au/


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Dr. Radut Consulting