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Social media workshop - Hanwood (near Griffith)

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4 Sep 2017 - 9:00am

We are excited to offer a special Landcare Social Media Workshop, on Monday 4th September 2017. This is a great opportunity to receive training to enable the Landcare networks to get your stories, messages and event news out to a wider audience!

The training is open to Riverina Landcare Group Executives, and NRM Volunteer Groups.
There are limited places available, so please register your interest with your Local Landcare Coordinator or RLF. 
Remember to include your name, phone number, organisation & dietary requirements.
Contact: Bindi Vanzella - 0427 008 976, or rlf@mli.org.au

The training will be held at the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Board Room, Research Station Road, Hanwood

PDF icon Social Media Workshop.pdf62.52 KB

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Dr. Radut Consulting