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Sandhills Management and Rehabilitation Field Day - Oolambeyan NP

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31 Aug 2017 (All day)

You are invited to Oolambeyan National Park to view one of the best examples of Riverina White Cypress Pine Sandhills. Find out how best to manage livestock grazing, how to revegetate sandhills through natural regeneration, planting and direct seeding, and the funding currently available to landholders. We will talk openly about the challenges and successes of managing sandhills including rabbits, biocontrol, boxthorn and weeds.

There will be demonstrations of boxthorn removal using brush-cutters, rabbit control techniques and tree seeding machinery, plus experts from many different fields available to answer your questions.

Morning tea, BBQ lunch and drinks will be provided.
Meet at Oolambeyan Homestead at 9.30 am.
Oolambeyan NP is approximately 90 km south east of Hay, and 130 km north east of Deniliquin. Entry to the homestead is via the Conargo road. Please ask for directions if you need them when you RSVP.
RSVP by Monday August 28th:
PDF icon Sandhills field day.pdf1.46 MB

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Dr. Radut Consulting