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Murrumbateman Landcare Group - AGM, eucalyptus walk and Christmas Party

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1 Dec 2016 - 5:30pm

MLGThursday 1st December starting 5.30pm, at “Gang Gang” Dick’s Creek Road, Gundaroo.

5.30 – 6.00 pm Annual General Meeting. We are always keen for new faces on the committee- please consider whether you would like to nominate (please reply to the email address below, or nominations accepted at the meeting)

6.00 – 7.00 pm eucalyptus identification walk guided by Michael Doherty

7.00 pm – dinner and festivities
All members and guests welcome
Roasted meats, bread and wine provided.  If possible, please bring a contribution - something sweet or savoury, including food or drink that meets your dietary requirements.

Please RSVP by November 28th to mlg_sec@yan.org.au and for details of how to get there

Main menu 2

Dr. Radut Consulting