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Yass Valley Council Rural Lands Planning Proposal

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22 Aug 2014 - 5:00pm

Yass Valley Council is inviting feedback on their Rural Lands Planning Proposal. You can view the Planning Proposal and supporting documents at Yass Valley Council Office 209 Comur St Yass, online www.yassvalley.nsw.gov.au or request a CD with all the information from the Council. The Plan is on exhibition until 22 August 2014.

The vast majority of land in the Yass Valley is zoned RU1 Primary Production or RU2 Rural Landscape. The Rural Lands Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Minimum Lot Size for Subdivision in these zones. Currently the Average Lot Size for subdivision in these areas is 80ha, no lot can be less than 40ha and no lot can be bigger then 150ha. Under the new proposal the average lot size would become 40ha, the mimimum size lot would be 20ha and no new lot could be created that was larger then 70ha. Note: the proposed change would mean that lots between 20 and 70 hectares may be able to be created provided the average lot size was 40 hectares across the whole subdivision. 

If you wish to provide feedback to Council on the proposal you will need to submit a formal written submission. Submissions must be lodged prior to 5pm Friday 22 August 2014.
To contact Yass Valley Council call 02 6226 1477 or 1300 553 652 or email council@yass.nsw.gov.au.

To keep up to date with Council news you can subscribe to YVC's newsletter via their website www.yassvalley.nsw.gov.au, or check out their Facebook page.

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