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Family night stalk - flora and fauna information evenings

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13 Sep 2013 - 5:30pm

As part of our Murrumbidgee Landcare cross property planning project, we will be holding three flora and fauna information evenings in the Junee, Kyeamba and Humula districts.

11th Sept - Eurongilly Hall, Gundagai Road, Eurongilly
12th Sept - Humula Recreation Ground
13th Sept - Tooles Creek TSR, Ladysmith 

5.30pm - 8.00pm

“Wallaby playing a flute” - Black Wallaby or Swamp Wallaby (Wallabia bicolour) nibbling one of our dropped pencils! Information on the photograph includes date, time and temperature, data which can be used to investigate behaviour. Photograph taken by infrared wildlife camera.The evenings will include a family "Nightstalk" for brave children and their parents to view the creatures of the night. We will have scientists from ANU and Melbourne University to help us make sense of what is around us.

Have you ever wondered what species of birds, mammals and insects are living in our local landscapes? 

What about all the strange plants that you cannot identify? 

The Murrumbidgee Landcare cross property planning project is funding flora and fauna surveys in the area which commence in September. In conjunction with this work, 

The night will include a Night Stalk and presentations from Alison Elvin, Natural Capital; Dr Fiona Christie, University of Melbourne; and Mason Crane, Australian National University who will discuss how the surveys will be conducted; what we may find now and what has been found in the past; and the equipment that can be used to monitor fauna.

Our project has purchased remote sensor cameras so that land holders can take a turn at setting the cameras up on their property to see who comes out at night. We will look at how to set up the cameras to capture images of carnivores and herbivores.

Come along, have dinner, a chat, and join us for a walk through the bush to see exactly what is lurking outside.

Registration: The evening is FREE (all nights are the same). Please RSVP for catering purposes by Tuesday 10 September 2013 to Nicole Maher, Murrumbidgee Landcare: phone: 0487 995 776 or
nmaher@murrumbidgeelandcare.asn.au or Jacinta Christie jchristie@murrumbidgeelandcare.asn.au

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Dr. Radut Consulting