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Soil moisture probe install - Mirrool Creek Landcare

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27 Mar 2013 - 8:00am

Mirrool Creek LandcareMirrool Creek Landcare Group has received funding through Murrumbidgee CMA Community Partnerships program to install 3 moisture probes and a transmitter on two properties to monitor soil moisture and response under different management conditions.

Date: Wed. 27th March 2013

Start: "Felix Farm" (4km south on Rogers Rd) Ariah Park - Matt Dart's at 8am, then onto Mick Denyer’s. Approx 2hrs per location for installation.

Details: Cropsol (Paul Hudson) www.cropsol.co.au and FarmLink (Paul Breust) www.farmlink.com.au will be doing the probes installing, Lex Wiencke the trenching and AL Chalmers (Bernie) will be soil testing.

Come and have a look at how the probes are installed. You are welcome to just call in at either property.

New landcare members welcome ($10/family payable to Evan Speirs).

Note: If it’s wet we may have to change the date. We’ll send out a text via resellers or give Matt or Robyn a call.

Thanks to go to:
AL Chalmers & Son Landmark
Ariah Park Elders
Ariah Park Cropsol
Murrumbidgee CMA
Murrumbidgee Landcare

Denyer Family

Landcare President: Michael Howard 0427 496 447
Landcare secretary: Robyn Buerckner 0429 366 374
Landcare Treasurer: Evan Speirs 0427 741 123

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