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13.3.4. On the farm

• Consider joining your local volunteer bushfire brigade, where information and fire fighting training is available. See the Rural Fire Service  website for more details.
• Throughout the growing season, use crash grazing (large numbers of stock for short periods of time) or slashing to reduce the fuel load in areas normally fenced off from livestock.
• Use a plough or harrows to create fire breaks around the property boundary and another one around the house, sheds and other buildings. Bare earth firebreaks created by spraying tend to create erosion issues.

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Bushfire preparation checklist

* Take the time with your family to sit down and create a plan, ensuring all family members know what to do in the event of a fire.
* Make the decision if you are prepared to stay and defend your property, or leave early.
* Check your insurance is up-to-date and you are not underinsured including the maintenance of adequate levels of insurance.
* Create a fuel break of at least 20m around your house, sheds, hay stacks, fences, fuel storage areas, fodder resources, buildings and other property.
* Ploughing and harrowing can assist in creating sufficient fuel breaks.
* Clear away timber, dead vegetation, undergrowth and long grass.
* Clean gutters to remove leaves and rubbish.
* Keep farming machinery clean of oil, dust and harvested material including straw and dust.
* Ensure fire-fighting equipment is kept in easy-to-reach spots in both the home and with harvesting machinery.
* Make sure you are easily able to access water supplies such as tanks, dams, swimming pools or water reserves.
* Identify a safe paddock to move your livestock to, which contains a water supply, clear access, well maintained fire breaks and is well fenced.
* Spark-proof your home, such as fitting wire screens to windows and doors, to prevent burning embers flying through.
* Store flammable liquids such as petrol, diesel fuel and hazardous chemicals safely away from the house.
* Prepare a list of important contact phone numbers and place them on the fridge for easy access.
* Prepare a safe storage box to place important documents, photos, valuables and medication in a hurry.
* Ensure you have a survival kit pre-prepared including:

• Protective clothing for all family members
• First aid kit
• Woollen blankets
• Batteries
• Torch
• Battery-powered radio
• Drinking water
• Safe storage box

Source: Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia (FESA), 2005, Farm Fire Safety.
To be used as guidelines only.
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Dr. Radut Consulting