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African Lovegrass report launch - Kambah

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7 Mar 2012 - 10:00am

The Southern ACT Catchment Group, as part of its project ‘Regional education on African Lovegrass - an integrated approach’, invites you to attend the launch of a report on the distribution and abundance of African Lovegrass in the ACT.

The report will be launched by Shane Rattenbury (MLA) on Wednesday 7th March, from 10.00 to 11.30 am. The launch will be held at Westwood Farm, Kambah Pool Road Kambah. For a location map, click here and scroll down the page.

African Lovegrass is a fast spreading weed that is invading much of Australia. It is arguably the most invasive weed in the capital region and is found in all areas – suburban gardens, lawns, urban parks, road verges, farms and nature parks. Author of the Report, Sarah Sharp has mapped the past and present distribution of African Lovegrass in the ACT along with the likely distribution of this highly invasive weed into the future. The report sets out likely scenarios for African Lovegrass distribution in 2020 depending on the budget allocated to its control.

To attend the launch, please RSVP to Steve Welch (Southern ACT Catchment Group) by Monday 5th March:

PDF icon ALG Report Launch.pdf129.76 KB

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