17 Aug 2018 (All day)
Australian Women in Agriculture (AWiA) invites you to join them for their national conference “Looking Back, Looking Forward - Celebrating 25 Years of Australian Women in Agriculture".

This year the conference is being held in Shepparton, in Northern Victoria, which is essentially where it all began. We are celebrating 25 years of Australian Women in Agriculture and will feature conference sessions that celebrate the past, present and future of Australian Women in Agriculture.
Our program includes a diverse range of speakers including entrepreneurs, authors, journalists, agriculturalists and ..women whom are all leaders in their chosen field.
We will also celebrate the rich history of Australian Women in Agriculture, hearing from women whom have shaped the face of Australian Agriculture and created a dynasty that still influences many of us today.
The conference opens with a Twilight Cocktail Party at the Shepparton Motor Museum which houses a historic farming collection – The Furphy Museum Collection along with 100 classic, heritage and muscle cars generously loaned or donated as well as motorcycles, vintage bicycles and car collectables.
Saturday night features the Gala Dinner at the beautiful Olive House, Kialla.
Transport has been arranged to both of the evening events.
The Conference is an event open to all women from rural, regional and remote Australia .
For more information or to register, visit the website [1].
Frequent updates for the event will be made via Facebook [2]and Twitter at our @AustWomenInAg [3]account.