19 May 2018 (All day)
Birdlife Australia need your help finding critically endangered Swift Parrots and Regent Honeyeaters! The first Swift Parrot / Regent Honeyeater surveys for 2018 will be held on the weekend of the 19-20 May (and up to a week either side of this weekend).

The aim of the surveys is to record as many individuals of both species as possible during the survey periods. The results provide critical long-term data on the distribution, movements, habitat use and population trends of these charismatic species.
Over the survey weekend (and a week either side) we seek to get volunteers out into as many possible locations as we can to search for Regent Honeyeaters and Swift Parrots across their mainland range (Victoria, NSW, ACT & Qld).
If you wish to participate in the May 2018 survey weekend, please contact Mick Roderick at [1]. You can also use this email address to report a sighting of these two species.
Don’t forget that observations of either species made at any time are important to report to us as soon as possible!
Learn more about the surveys, and view results from previous surveys, here [2].