29 Apr 2018 - 5:00pm
"Food and Fibre - The original STEM" is the theme of PIEFA's 2018 conference to be held at the Realm Hotel, Canberra. Learn and network with outstanding educators and industry leaders from around Australia and overseas.
The conference will benefit all educators seeking to deepen the learning of their students through a relevant, real-life and rigorous context. The conference will be STEM focused, cross-curricula, K-12.

PIEFA (Primary Industry Education Foundation Australia) aims to engage and inform students, teachers and the broader community about the role and importance of primary industries in the Australian economy, environment and wider community, and the career opportunities available through the primary industries and along the chain of supply of food and fibre products.
Registration costs $450, and includes:
- one ticket to the Welcome Reception on Sun 29 April;
- Entry to the two-day conference - plenary sessions, keynote speeches, workshops, lightning sessions and display area (trade fair); and
- Lunch, morning and afternoon teas.
Further information and registration details are available here [1].