5 Mar 2018 (All day)
Farmers across New South Wales produce more than $15 billion worth of food and fibre every year, representing around one quarter of Australia’s total agricultural output.
Agriculture is a vibrant, global, and highly competitive industry that will need to attract and retain the best and brightest. NSW Farmers Association aims for excellence in the future workforce by awarding annual scholarships.
The Tertiary Scholarships demonstrate our commitment to our members and the industry by recognising the value of education to the future of agriculture. The scholarships were first awarded in 1993 to reward, promote and encourage excellence in tertiary studies from members’ families.

Each year the Association awards five scholarships of $4,000 each.
Only members can apply for the scholarships:
- as a student you may apply having held a membership of any category for a period of two consecutive years at the time of application, or
- your partner or your parents/legal guardians must have been full members of the Association for at least the two consecutive years before the date on which you apply.
If you are at University, you must be a full time student enrolled in the second or subsequent year of the course. If you are studying at TAFE, or at a private Vocational Education College, you can apply if you are enrolled in the first year of your course. If you are undertaking a post-graduate course you can apply if you are enrolled in the first year of the course.
For further information, including the guidelines and online application form, visit the website: [1]