18 Nov 2017 (All day)
The Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups will be holding their Annual Landcare Awards Dinner, AGM & Rivers of Carbon bus tour - all on one big day, Saturday 18th November 2017!
The bus tour will be a great opportunity to see and hear about some of the key landcare sites in the Yass district, while the dinner will be a chance to celebrate the achievements of Landcare, meet other landcarers and swap stories.

Bus tour
Buses will depart from Yass Memorial Hall at 1 pm (12 pm from Boorowa) for Rivers of Carbon champions tour and return at 5 pm to Yass.
Sites include visit to ROC properties, Yass Gorge and Yass Community Nursery.
A light lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
The YAN AGM will commence at 5 pm, at Yass Memorial Hall (private meeting room).
Dinner will start at 6 pm, also at the Yass Memorial Hall, and will be catered by Trader & Co.
The dinner Guest speaker will be John Lovett on biosecurity, with Siwan Lovett as MC.
The Awards presentation will include the John Betts Award.
The bus will return to Boorowa at 9.30 pm.
All welcome, but places will be limited so please register your interest.
Light lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and transport are all included- BYO. Free to Landcare Members $25 for non-members.
Please RSVP to Mary: 0499 199 072, or [1]