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NRM on Farms Newsletter - February 2017

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Welcome to the first issue of NRM on Farms for 2017.

As I write this, NSW is sweltering in a heatwave and could experience its hottest February day on record. (http://media.bom.gov.au/releases/336/extreme-heatwave-conditions-could-break-records/)

  • January 2017 was the state’s third warmest January on record.
  • 2016 was the world’s warmest year on record.
  • The seasonal outlook is for warmer and drier weather than average.
  • ENSO, SOI and IOD are all in neutral phase.

Highlights in this month’s newsletter include

  • National review of climate change policies
  • Economic benefits of Landcare
  • Beeconnected app to link famers and beekeepers
  • LLS survey on pest animal management
  • Landholder guide to mining and CSG in NSW
  • New wind energy framework for NSW
  • Competitions seeking ideas for biodiversity adaptation on farms

Plus much more in the attached newsletter.

PDF icon NRM on Farms February 2017959.71 KB

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Dr. Radut Consulting