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NSW Environmental Trust - Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants

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Environmental Trust

The aim of the Restoration and Rehabilitation (R&R) program is to facilitate projects of significant environmental benefit to NSW, run by community organisations and State and local government organisations. Through these projects, we also aim to improve the capacity of communities and organisations to protect, restore and enhance the environment.


  • to restore degraded environmental resources, including rare and endangered ecosystems
  • to protect important ecosystems and habitats of rare and endangered flora and fauna
  • to prevent or minimise future environmental damage
  • to enhance the quality of specific environmental resources.

Funding for 2008

Total funds being offered under the R&R program in 2008 are: $1.5 million allocated to the Community grants program and $1.5 million allocated to the State and Local Government grants program. Grants between $5,000 and $100,000 will be available.

Closing date: 5pm on Friday 23 May 2008

Non Vegetation Projects

Whilst the majority of applications to the Restoration and Rehabilitation Program are for vegetation or other biodiversity projects, the Trust encourages applications from agencies, councils and the community for other types of projects that also meet the objectives of the Program.

These could include projects that address water, air, soil, waste issues, or behavioural / social projects that prevent environmental damage. The Trust staff are available to discuss ideas for potential projects.

For further information on Environmental Trust grants, please contact the Environmental Trust on (02) 8837 6093.

Environmental Trust
PO Box 644, PARRAMATTA 2124
Phone: (02) 8837 6093

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Dr. Radut Consulting