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NRM on Farms Newsletter - November 2016

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Here’s the latest roundup of information about climate and natural resource management relevant to agriculture.

Items of interest in this newsletter include:

  • Average to drier rainfall, and average to warmer temperature over the next three months.
  • Possible drying impact in southern Australia in November due to northerly shift of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM)
  • Australia’s wettest May-September period in 117 years
  • Declining April-October rainfall in south-east Australia since 1990s
  • New Bureau of Meteorology weather app
  • Feralscan pest animal incident alert for farm groups
  • New reports from the Australian Meat Processor Corporation on sustainability issues facing the red meat industry

I hope you find much to interest you in this issue of NRM on Farms.

PDF icon NRM on Farms November 2016866.03 KB

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Dr. Radut Consulting