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Join us at the Henty Field Days!

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Once again Murrumbidgee Landcare will be joining Holbrook Landcare Network, and the Riverina and Murray Regional Landcare Facilitators and Local Landcare Coordinators in the Landcare shed at the Henty Machinery Field Days.



What will be happening in the Landcare shed this year?

  • Displays about local Landcare groups and recent projects from across the Riverina and Murray regions
  • Movie Central showing a series of short films developed by Murrumbidgee Landcare and Holbrook Landcare Network
  • Competitions for all ages
  • A series of presentations across all three days
  • Free plants from the Riverina Highlands Landcare Nursery (while stocks last)



Frog calls ID - Can YOU identify these local native frog calls?

Social media - Come visit the Landcare shed and tweet or post to Facebook with the hashtags #Landcare and #HMFD2016 to win a prize.

Grains and Pulses ID - Are they lupins? Wheat? Chickpeas? Test your pulse and grain identification skills.

Native grasses vs naturalised grasses - Can you tell the difference?



Presentation schedule






Native Plant ID

Bring along samples of native plants to be identified

Each day

10am (or any time)

Bindi Vanzella, Kylie Durant, Judy Kirk

Soil sample testing

Field pH testing, dispersion, texturing of samples supplied by us and brought along by attendees

Tues & Wed


Jacinta Christie

Paddock Tree  Video viewing

Watch the ‘Champions of Change’ video and learn about paddock trees



Kimberley Beattie

Carbon Farming video viewing

Watch videos about Carbon Farming and chat with Project Officer Ashley Paech


Wed & Thurs


Ashley Paech, Thomas Carberry

Dale Stringer

BushLinks Project summary wrap up

Presentation by Project Officer



Kylie Durant




The Landcare Shed is located next to the Western Gate. Download site map.


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Dr. Radut Consulting