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Eco schools + food gardens in schools grants

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15 May 2015 - 10:45pm

NSW Environmental TrustIn 2015 the Eco Schools grants program has combined with the Food Gardens In Schools program to make it easier for schools to apply for funding.

The ultimate goal of the Eco Schools Grant Program is the development of environmentally sustainable schools.

In 2015, the program will:

  • increase funding available for school environmental education projects
  • provide greater opportunity for students with special needs by funding a broader range of environmental projects
  • offer up to 80 grants of $3,500 each over two years. A further 18 grants of $3,500 each will be available for projects catering for students with special needs.

The Eco Schools Grant Program aims to provide learning opportunities for students, teachers and the school community, through hands-on curriculum-based environmental projects that focus on strong student participation.


The program will fund school environmental management projects aimed at one or more of the following objectives.

Objective 1

Environmental benefits

  • Enabling schools to promote more efficient resource use and improve the quality of the local environment.

Objective 2

Student participation

  • To promote the development of knowledge, values and behaviour in students that supports environmental sustainability.

Objective 3

Teacher engagement

  • To assist teachers to integrate environmental management principles and practices into curriculum delivery and maximise student learning.

  • To promote professional learning for teachers to gain skills and knowledge about sustainability education and engagement.

Objective 4

Managing for sustainability
in school and the community

  • To encourage sustainable management of resources, school operations and grounds, and to fund activities that facilitate student and community learning about the environment.

Best practice examples, tips and resources

A collection of examples, tips and resources based on previous Eco Schools grant successes are available to help develop project ideas. 

» Best practice page.

» Guidelines and application forms

» Frequently asked questions

»  2014 Eco Schools grant summaries page.


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Dr. Radut Consulting