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Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 23 - July 2013

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Murrumbidgee landcare IncMurrumbidgee Landcare Inc (MLi) is a not-for-profit organisation representing community Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Our e-news is a project of MLi and the Regional Landcare Facilitator project, Murrumbidgee. Please contact us to have content included in our next, monthly e-news.


Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum

Annual Forum 2013

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Dung Beetles & biological weed control day

30 July  - Ladysmith
31 July  - HumulaDung beetles
13 August  - Illabo
14 August - Junee

Are you looking for a machine that:

  • Aerates the soil
  • Buries dung pads
  • Deepens the topsoil
  • Digs through compacted soil
  • Helps store soil carbon
  • Buries dung nutrients in the plant root zone
  • Reduces flies and parasite breeding colonies  

Look no further…………………….the answer is Dung Beetles

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National Landcare social media webinar

Landcare Australia Join the Landcare Australia team on Wednesday, July 31st, 
at 12 Midday (AEST) for a free hour long webinar which will show you how and why Landcarers are currently using Facebook and Twitter, and help guide you along the way to building successful and engaging social media profiles.

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Ariah Park & district combined field day

5 August, 9.30am

Mirrool Creek Landcare GroupThe Ariah Park local agricultural businesses and groups are holding a field day including on farm visits, information sessions and experts in the field on hand throughout the day.

Includes - Overview of 6 soil moisture probes recently installed in Ariah Park apart of a Mirrool Landcare project. How you can access live data to use as a tool when making decisions about nitrogen application.

Riverina Highlands Landcare NetworkRiverina Highlands Landcare invite you to dinner

8 August, 6.30pm

The Riverina Highlands Landcare Network invites you to dinner to come hear Luke explain what native fin fish and cray fish are still found in our local streams, what can be done to  improve their habitat and some of the exciting native fish breeding and re-stocking program currently underway.

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National Landcare webinar - Allan Savory

Landcare Australia 16 August, noon.

Allan Savory is often cited as one of the fathers of holistic management and is the founder of the Savory Institute. Whether you think his approach is compelling or controversial, most people agree that he is thought provoking and a great presenter that engenders discussion. Please join me at 12.00 noon EST on Friday 16th August for a free webinar discussion with Allan Savory.

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Weather & climate: clearing the air

Weather and climateAre you interested in weather and climate and climate change? What is the difference between weather and climate? How do we forecast the weather? What drives your local climate? Listen to three experts in their fields talking about different aspects of climate change and its relevance to local communities.

Public lecture presented by the ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment.

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EnviroWeek  25 - 31 August 2013

Landcare Week  2-8 September 2013

Many hands connecting communities

3-5 Sep 2013

NSW Landcare and catchment management forum. Hosted by the Hunter-Central Rivers Region.

Many hands connecting communitiesRead more

National Threatened Species Day - 7 September 2013.


Cross property planning project

PalmersJuly update includes:

  • Invasive species management plans completed for Humula and Kyeamba cross property planning groups
  • Dung beetle and biological weed control workshops
  • What we know now about conservation and biodiversity on our properties?
  • Kyeamba cross property planning group - creating linkages across their landscape
  • Junee Newsletter coming in July

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Wah Wah landholders achieving wildlife winsWetlands - Wah Wah project

Tuesday 25th June saw almost 30 people get together to brave the chilly wind and visit recently completed works near Gunbar, where landholders are converting existing groun tanks into wetland habitat areas. These habitat areas will remain after the new Wah Wah Pipeline goes in and many of the tanks in the surrounding landscape are decommissioned.

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2013 Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grant Junior Landcare

Coles are providing School Garden Grants of up to $1,000 to schools and youth groups to help create gardens in their grounds or community, such as bush tucker gardens, water wise gardens or veggie gardens.

Applications due by 2 August 2013. 

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Dahl Trust grants
Dahl Trust The Bjarne K Dahl Trust in the period 2012 – 15 will operate an annual Small Grants Program focused on the conservation of eucalypts and the education of the public in areas of conservation, propagation, cultural, and historical significance in relation to eucalypts throughout Australia.
Applications close  1st September 2013


2014 RAS Foundation Rural ScholarshipsRAS

Are you a student who is passionate about forging a career that will help strengthen your local rural community? Applications are now open for the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS) Foundation Rural Scholarships.

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A range of practical resources are available for Landcare community events and projects. Hardware, books and event equipment can be borrowed through the Murrumbidgee Landcare (MLi) office or  through the Regional Landcare Facilitator. Other items are available for download.

  Southwest slopes revegetation guide

From little things big things grow.

A terrific guide developed by Murray CMA. You can read it online or download a pdf of the whole guide...

Southwest slopes revegetation guide
  Shrub dwellers - Birds of Grassy Box Woodland Part 1

Pictures, information and calls of Eastern Spinebill, Eastern Yellow Robin, Superb Fairy-wren, Jacky Winter, Restless Flycatcher, Scarlet Robin,...

Shrub dwellers - Birds of Grassy Box Woodlands

See the full catalogue of resources available for loan by Landcare groups.

What have we got here?  ...with Dr Dave.

Dr Dave

The 'Dr Dave' series was an initiative of the Murray–Darling Association and Burrumbuttock Public School. These videos are a great resource for schools, parents, and anyone with any interest in Australian wildlife or educating children in an engaging and fun way.


Monaro landholders biodiversity efforts recognised

The Monaro Landscape Connectivity Project has achieved some great results to date, and the efforts of landholders were recently recognised by local newspaper the Cooma-Monaro Express.

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Murrumbidgee Regional Landcare Awards winners

Geoff Henderson, Ted Wolfe

Left to right: Ms Sulari Goonetilleke (Chair, Murrumbidgee CMA), Geoff Henderson (Individual Landcarer Award winner and Deputy Chair, Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc), Ted Wolfe (Chair, Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc.)

Recipients of the 2013 Murrumbidgee Regional Landcare Awards:

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Video - Bitterns boom in riceBitterns boom in rice

Bitterns Boom in Rice is an informative and entertaining video produced by Birdlife Australia and Ricegrowers' Association raising awareness of Australasian Bitterns.

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Burrinjuck Landcare Group to be re-established

A public meeting was held at the Bowning Hotel with the aim to re-establish the Burrinjuck Landcare Group, incorporating the districts of Bookham and Bowning.

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5 Aug - Ginninderra Catchment Group

6 Aug - Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee

13 Aug - Molonglo Catchment Group

14 Aug - Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group

21 Aug - Yass Landcare Group AGM

27 Aug - Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group 

27 Aug - Southern ACT Catchment Group


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