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Help Landcare NSW to help NSW Landcarers

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Landcare NSW are involved in delivering projects under the NSW State Government Landcare Support Package that will promote the fantastic work that is going on across the State as well as help to attract funding and resources for all those projects that could get tackled if only they had... funding and resources!
They are asking for help from Landcarers across the region, with three simple requests:
1. If you have a fantastic, interesting or innovative project, they'd like to hear about it and share your story! Simply email your story or newsletter article to: 
2. Complete a project Expression of Interest form detailing a proposed project for including in the Landcare Prospectus. Fill in new forms for multiple projects. This will help to spread the word about all the amazing Landcare projects out there that are just waiting for an extra helping hand to get started.
3. Fill in a group info form and share a few details about your group so they can do more for all the groups and individuals that are working hard across the State.

For more information and copies of the forms.


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Dr. Radut Consulting